Lookout Discovers Two Russian Android Spyware Families from Gamaredon APT

- Lookout has discovered BoneSpy and PlainGnome Android surveillance families and attributed them to the Russian Gamaredon (Primitive Bear, Shuckworm) APT group associated with the Federal Security Service (FSB).
- BoneSpy has been in use since at least 2021, while PlainGnome first appeared in 2024. Both families are still active at the time of writing.
- BoneSpy and PlainGnome target former Soviet states and focus on Russian-speaking victims. Lookout assesses this targeting may be related to worsening relations between these countries and Russia since the outbreak of the Ukraine invasion.
- Both BoneSpy and PlainGnome collect data such as SMS messages, call logs, phone call audio, photos from device cameras, device location, and contact lists.
- PlainGnome acts as a dropper for a surveillance payload, stored within the dropper package, while BoneSpy is deployed as a standalone application.
Researchers at the Lookout Threat Lab have discovered two Android surveillance families dubbed BoneSpy and PlainGnome. They are both attributed to Russia-aligned cyber espionage threat group Gamaredon (aka Primitive Bear, Shuckworm). This group was identified as a component of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) by the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) in 2021. These are the first known mobile families to be attributed to Gamaredon.
BoneSpy and PlainGnome appear to target Russian speaking victims across the former Soviet Union in countries including Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan. While Gamaredon has historically targeted Ukraine, the targeting of Central Asian countries like Uzbekistan likely resulted from worsening relations between these countries and Russia since the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022. Also, while specific targets are difficult to pinpoint, Lookout researchers uncovered an indication of possible enterprise targeting using the BoneSpy family in early 2022. While the Gamaredon threat group has long been known to target Ukraine, Lookout has no specific evidence to show BoneSpy or PlainGnome were used against Ukrainian victims.
Attribution to Gamaredon
Lookout researchers attribute BoneSpy and PlainGnome to Gamaredon based on use of IP addresses that point to command and control (C2) domains for both the mobile families that were also observed in Gamaredon’s desktop campaigns. We also observed a large number of domains sharing Gamaredon’s known domain naming convention described by MSTIC in April 2023, which were hosted on IP infrastructure shared with dynamic DNS C2 domains in use with the group’s mobile surveillanceware. In addition, Gamaredon has been known to use ddns[.]net and other dynamic DNS providers since at least 2017, a consistent technique used by BoneSpy and PlainGnome.
These infrastructure connections, together with the evidence of Russian development and targeting of Russian speaking groups in former Soviet states, lead us to the conclusion that both BoneSpy and PlainGnome are operated by Gamaredon.
App Families Analysis
Lookout has tracked BoneSpy since December 2021 and discovered PlainGnome in January 2024. BoneSpy is derived from the Russian open-source DroidWatcher, a surveillance app developed between 2013 and 2014. Conversely, PlainGnome is not based on open-source code, but shares similar theming and C2 server properties with BoneSpy. PlainGnome is also a two-stage deployment while BoneSpy is a self-contained single app. Each of these have broad surveillance capabilities including:
- Attempting to gain root access to the device
- Anti-analysis checks
- Location tracking
- Getting information about the device
- Getting sensitive user data such as:some text
- SMS messages
- ambient audio and call recordings
- notifications
- browser history
- contacts
- call logs
- photos from the camera
- screenshots
- cell service provider information
Apps of both families have properties that make targeted social engineering the likely method of distribution. To our knowledge, no apps belonging to either one of these malware families were available on Google Play.
Detailed Analysis: BoneSpy
The BoneSpy family showed evidence of continuous development between roughly January and October 2022, after which samples began using consistent lure theming and code structure. Earlier samples from between January and September 2022 used a variety of trojanized apps such as battery charge monitoring apps, photo-gallery apps, a fake Samsung Knox app, and trojanized Telegram apps. Later, Gamaredon largely shifted to using trojanized, fully functional Telegram samples titled as “Beta” versions.
Early samples featured a high degree of feature experimentation, with core capabilities to collect the call log, file system, contact list, SMS messages, and emails, while other samples included audio recording functionality. Two early samples used RTMP (Real-Time Messaging Protocol), an open-source streaming protocol, for command and control. Still others checked for root access by attempting to write the string “ZZZ” to a file path only accessible with elevated privileges.

BoneSpy’s surveillance features stabilized by late 2022 along with almost exclusive use of trojanized Telegram samples. BoneSpy samples observed this year had the following surveillance capabilities:
- Browser history
- SMS messages including the addressee, body, and date-time, from inbox and sent messages
- Device location from GPS and cell information
- Contact lists including name, phone number, and email address
- Call logs such as the phone number, date, name, duration, and type of call
- File system information
- List of all installed apps
- Taking photos from device cameras
- Recording phone calls
- Notification content
- Clipboard content
- Device screenshots by abusing media projection
- Device information such as IMEI, SIM cards, carrier information
- Checking for root privileges
A notable capability of BoneSpy is its ability to be controlled via SMS messages. For the extensive list of commands that the surveillance app can receive via SMS see Appendix B.
BoneSpy is based on the Russian-developed, open-source DroidWatcher surveillanceware, featuring nearly identical code, names, and log messages in multiple classes related to the handling of databases containing collected exfil data such as call logs, location tracking, SMS messages, notifications, and browser bookmarks. Class names for many entry points (receivers, activities, and services) were either the same or very similar to DroidWatcher Samples.
Unlike BoneSpy, PlainGnome does not share similar entry points. While most of its surveillance capabilities are similar, it appears to have been developed without extensive use of the code of another known surveillance tool.
Detailed Analysis: PlainGnome
PlainGnome consists of a two-stage deployment in which a very minimal first stage drops a malicious APK once it’s installed. While the first and second stages use some variation on the Telegram package name, the actual functionality presented to the user is essentially the same as that observed in previous BoneSpy samples using the “image gallery” theme. This lure theme continued through most of PlainGnome’s deployment throughout 2024.
Since it must install an APK (i.e. the surveillance payload), the first stage relies on the REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES permission. Other than this less common permission, the first stage requests few permissions, and is lightweight in terms of code though notably contains some basic emulator checks. The victim starts the installation of the second-stage by pressing the only available button on the first stage’s splash screen, which has the Russian word “каталог” (meaning catalog, listing, or directory).

The Payload
The code of PlainGnome’s second stage payload evolved significantly from January 2024 through at least October. In particular, PlainGnome’s developers shifted to using Jetpack WorkManager classes to handle data exfiltration, which eases development and maintenance of related code. In addition, WorkManager allows for specifying execution conditions. For example, PlainGnome only exfiltrates data from victim devices when the device enters an idle state. This mechanism is probably intended to reduce the chance of a victim noticing the presence of PlainGnome on their device.
As opposed to the minimalist first (installer) stage, the second stage carries out all surveillance functionality and relies on 38 permissions. PlainGnome’s developers made no effort to obfuscate code and took very basic steps to hinder analysis. PlainGnome supports a total of 19 commands, including functionality to collect
- SMS messages,
- contacts,
- GPS location,
- ambient audio,
- call audio,
- take photos.
A detailed list of commands is in Appendix C.
Once launched, the payload requests approval of permissions from the user until it gains access to a minimum set of permissions:
Notably, PlainGnome has two modes of ambient audio recording - one that automatically stops recording when the screen of the device is activated and one that permits recording regardless of the state of the screen. This is likely because newer versions of Android display a microphone icon in the status bar when the microphone is active, which might help the surveillance victim discover the malware.
With the exception of some early samples, most BoneSpy as well as PlainGnome samples use the No-IP Dynamic DNS service with the ddns[.]net domain for C2 domain hosting. Gamaredon has been known to use ddns[.]net for C2 infrastructure since at least 2019. Gamaredon employs mutually exclusive sets of C2 domains for the BoneSpy and PlainGnome families.
According to Research by Palo Alto Unit42, Silent Push, Check Point, and MSTIC, Gamaredon uses rapidly rotating IP infrastructure with wildcard DNS A records and other dynamic DNS technologies (including ddns[.]net) across multiple desktop campaigns. These domains use randomized names from wordlists, and follow a typical naming convention of <subdomain><2 digit number>[.]<apex domain>[.]ru, (for example, count56[.]vasifgo[.]ru) in which one apex domain can have several dozen or hundreds of subdomains. The llkeyvost.ddns[.]net domain, used by PlainGnome, shares a resolving IP address of 89.185.84[.]81 with multiple domains matching the naming convention for Gamaredon’s recent desktop C2 infrastructure. Several of their resolving IP addresses also resolve multiple ddns[.]net subdomains.

Most of the resolving IP address space associated with the BoneSpy and PlainGnome C2 domains were owned by Russian ISP Global Internet Solutions LLC (Russian: ООО Глобал Интернет Решения), incorporated in Sevastopol, Ukraine, within occupied Crimea. This ISP is geographically co-located with the physical location of Gamaredon’s operators, who are working from an FSB branch office in Sevastopol according to SSU. The Ukrainian National Cybersecurity Coordination Center has reported that Gamaredon primarily uses Global Internet Solutions.

A number of BoneSpy and PlainGnome C2 domains were hosted on alternate bulletproof provider Global Connectivity Solutions (GCS, autonomous system number 215540), with the latter’s IP infrastructure geolocated in Great Britain. Global Connectivity Solutions, LLP, is incorporated in the UK and owned by Yevgeniy Valentinovich Marinko, a Russian national. Marinko also owns and is general director of Global Internet Solutions, LLC. Marinko, known by aliases Rustam Yangirov or dimetr50, has operated in hacker forums and run stolen-credential trading since at least 2018. In addition, Marinko was fined by a Sevastopol court for defrauding a Russian-national victim using malware in late 2023.
One notable exception is the IP 34.98.99[.]30 (owned by Google Cloud), which resolved the C2 domain goos[.]pw.
Appendix D details known infrastructure overlaps between Gamaredon desktop C2 apex domains and C2 domains of the two mobile families discussed in this article.
Perhaps the most targeted BoneSpy sample, which has the title “KnoxSystemManager”, attempts to masquerade as Samsung Knox Manage, designed to enable enterprise mobility management on Samsung devices. Since Knox Manage is an enterprise service, this sample suggests that BoneSpy may have been deployed against targeted enterprise victims, with the attacker posing as an internal IT administrator.

While not a direct indicator of deployment geography, VirusTotal submissions of known BoneSpy and PlainGnome samples indicate targeting in former Soviet states such as Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan. While Gamaredon has historically targeted Ukraine since at least 2013, Lookout lacks direct evidence of such targeting in Gamaredon’s mobile campaigns, although the possibility of Ukrainian targeting remains likely due to Gamaredon’s long history of attacking Ukrainian targets.

Additional indicators of targeting are present in use of app lures - particularly Telegram - and Russian-language filenames and promotional strings such as those found in the BoneSpy sample cd6ee49b224ccb169d5d7f1b85c476cfc253540f. The actor later apparently shifted away from Russian-language APK filenames. Consistent use of trojanized Telegram samples indicates eastern European targeting to some degree, as the app is highly popular in that region. The table below shows some early BoneSpy samples that were submitted to VirusTotal with Russian-language filenames.

Lookout researchers have discovered two new mobile surveillance tools named BoneSpy and PlainGnome. We attribute these to the Russian APT group Gamaredon (Primitive Bear, Shuckworm) associated with the Federal Security Service (FSB). Both BoneSpy and PlainGnome focus on Russian-speaking victims in former Soviet states. BoneSpy has been in use since at least 2021, and is based on the open-source DroidWatcher surveillanceware. While PlainGnome, which first surfaced this year, has many overlaps in functionality with BoneSpy, it does not appear to have been developed from the same code base.
Appendix A - Indicators of Compromise
Sample SHA-256
C2 Server Domains
Appendix B - SMS Commands

Appendix C - PlainGnome Commands
Commands supported by PlainGnome. Note that the last two commands appear only in later samples.

Appendix D - Infrastructure Overlap
The table below details overlaps between known Gamaredon desktop C2 apex domains, including use of ddns[.]net for desktop C2, and mobile ddns[.]net C2 domains. An apparent naming convention prevalent in Gamaredon mobile C2 domain names is the use of two randomized words such as fiordmoss.ddns[.]net. More recent domains such as llkeyvost.ddns[.]net or wwkravs.ddns[.]net reflect a shift away from paired words toward a more abstract and perhaps more randomized pattern of domain names.
The table illustrates that Gamaredon’s use of IP address space common to C2 servers for the mobile and desktop tooling is inconsistent, and becomes more prevalent with the domains associated with the more recent BoneSpy samples as well as PlainGnome.


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